Paul Klee painted The Goldfish (Golden Fish) in 1925. The beautiful goldfish floats in the dark, deep
ocean in this fascinating painting. It is hanging in the centre like an ornament or pendant. That
radiant body highlights the inherent mystery of an underwater world.
The goldfish is more significant, different, and more beautiful than others, but most importantly, it
stands out as an individual with its style. The other fishes are small and are in different colours to get
the feel of an ocean or sea.
Whenever I see this painting, I always feel like the goldfish is not happy in the ocean. It is a part of
the water, but its personality is entirely different. It seems like it does not belong to the same sea
even though it is the most beautiful part.
Most of the people are exactly like the goldfish. They are valuable, beautiful, and critical, but they
don’t feel that. They think the ocean is the home of the red, small, and similar fishes, not theirs.
Here is the question of the week: Do you feel like goldfish most of the time? And how do you feel
about being a goldfish?
If the answer is yes and that makes you conscious and upset;
Here are the tips of the week:
1-First of all, please don’t forget the ocean does not belong to red or goldfishes. They are colours of
the sea together. It is your ocean too.
2-There is not only one goldfish in the ocean. You can see several goldfishes who feel alone and
upset and look for other goldfishes when you look around. And when you find the other goldfishes
and start to swim together swimming will be easier than ever.
3-If you are not happy about being a goldfish, you can always adjust. You can’t change your colour or
your size, but you can live as authentic yourself and adapt at the same time. In the words of Charles
Darwin, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives […] It is the one that is most adaptable.
You always have this power in you. Human being is to most adaptable species in the world.
Otherwise we would not survive after horrible pandemics, wars, economic crisis and natural
4-Even though red fishes swim the other way and remain the goldfish alone, they always respect the
different ones. It may be because of the fear I know. But at the end of the day, even if it is because
of the fear, respect is the most precious thing that you can feel in the ocean.
5-And finally, you can always swim one ocean to another. Please remember you are a goldfish and
you don’t have to stay in the same ocean till the end of your time. All of the oceans are yours.